Quiet times for poor old Moonshine for the last six weeks or so. Missy had to go into hospital for an op so she's not been up to all the clambering and bending of life on the boat.
She's coming along nicely now, but it's getting very late in the season, so it may be a squeeze to get a weekend in before the weather gets just too wintery.
We've had two force nine gales in the past couple of weeks, so Moonshine's been treated to some new fenders. Because she was moored on mooring buoys previously, she only had tiny fenders which aren't much good at keeping her off the dock when the wind blows.
Plan A was to take her out of the water for the winter. The marina offers free onshore storage to 12 month berth holders, which sounds a good deal......but there's always a but.
The boatyard who actually carry out the work charge for their services in getting the boat in and out of the water, plus they insist on the mast being stepped and charge for storing it.
"Free" winter storage, therefore costs £600! Somehow that doesn't seem like much of a deal. I'm sure that the money can be put to better use than having her sitting in a car park for four months.
So she's staying in the water for the winter and I'll take her out in March to get her bottom scrubbed and her anodes checked. In the meantime most of her exterior woodwork is sitting in the shed being revarnished. Four coats down, one more to go and then the current batch (most of the big bits) can go back on the boat all shiny and protected against the elements.
Here's me sanding back the piece of teak trim that covers the edge of the hatch cover and doing a good impression of an aged shoemaker or something.
At least the sea-dawg is doing her best to help!