Saturday, February 24, 2007

Under Pressure

This week Moonshine got her top half fettled. With the weather looking a little better than previously, we invested in the pressure washer pictured down below and sprayed the living daylights out of her.

I foolishly didn't take a "before" picture of the greenery sprouting from the deck and sprayhood. The deck was nasty enough, but the green growth on the sprayhood was beyond mere algae and had started to sprout leaves, so we'd got a real ecosystem evolving on there.

After working out which bits of hose went where on the shiny yellow beastie, I fired it up and watched it cut a swathe through the muck - hugely satisfying.

So she's all nice and shiny now ready to head off next weekend to remove whatever lurks on the bottom half.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Spring Cleaning

It looks like Moonshine is at last going to be heading out of Chichester Marina for the first time since the end of August. I've just booked a session on the spiffy Sealift at Cowes to get her bottom cleaned and checked. Peters, the boatyard at the marina, were as ridiculously expensive as ever. They quoted me £300 to get her lifted, scrubbed and re-launched.

That made it a very easy decision to head off to Cowes to get it done for £80, so we'll be heading over there on March 3rd. Yay!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Snow Bunny

The landlocked sea-dawg and I have just been to the park so that she can go and frolic in the snow (an unusual occurrence round these parts).

Unusually high levels of creativity in the snowman building today.

Here's the sea-dawg and her small friend Remy. Remy had to go shortly after this because so much snow had stuck to her furry feet she could barely walk!