Monday, March 03, 2008


I procrastinated too much this weekend, so didn't get to the marina until 1pm on Sunday afternoon. That meant that I had time to finish all the hull jobs - getting the anodes on, the prop polished, waxing the hull and getting the last coat of antifoul on - but I didn't get to check the mast electrics until after 3pm. It looks like I need to replace the steaming/deck light on the mast, which is badly corroded. Trouble is, by the time I worked that out, I hadn't left enough time to buy another one.

Moonshine is supposed to be back in the water on week commencing March 17th and I won't be able to get back down there until March 28th at the earliest, so the reason I spent money getting the mast lowered, making sure all the mast lights were fine, hasn't happened!

Darn it.

Ah well, BVI in three days, so mustn't grumble.