Another weekend on the boat, but this time we were just like proper marina-dwellers and didn't venture from the pontoon. Missy's mum is with us for the first leg of her summer tour and she gets very prone to motion sickness, so bobbing on a small boat wasn't ever going to be on the agenda!
It did give us chance to explore some of the countryside around the harbour on another beautiful weekend. We liked it - the sea dawg would like to see some nice cool, dank weather, though.
After an initial attempt to connect a breather line to the diesel tank (I abandoned the struggle with chafed knuckles after about 30 minutes. I can see why it was left off) we headed across the fields for a walk to Itchenor, it's about three miles each way and has the advantage of having the Ship at the end of it. There's not much point in a walk without a pub somewhere along the way, after all.
I didn't get too many complaints about the length of the walk in the heat, but I think that says more for the forbearance of Missy and her mum than my judgement. They did both sleep for quite a long time after we got back, though.
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