What have we had? Freezing fog, torrential rain, weeks and weeks of South Westerly storms battering the whole of the country. Pfah.
Moonshine's not been neglected, though. I've been down there once or twice a month to make sure that she's still there, to check fenders and lines for damage from the high winds and to run the engine for 30 minutes or so to keep the battery charged and get some oil pumped around the nooks and crannies of the engine.
One irritation is that the rather beautiful Malo yacht immediately next to us, put up the biggest cover you've ever seen once they'd done for the season.

As you can see from the picture, with the winter sun low in the sky, poor old Moonshine has barely seen the sun since the end of October. As a result, most of the deck and the sprayhood are now a vivid shade of green! Ah well, another task to be done once the days get a bit longer.
Here's Missy wrapped up against the cold and enjoying a cup of tea and a coconut macaroon (highly recommended). The sun was shining brilliantly, but with the circus marquee next to us, we were in the shade and it was only about 2pm!

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