Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Come on You Rams

The weekend of March 17th/18th was our first trip up to Keyworth since Christmas. My birthday/my dad's birthday and mothers' day all clustered together, so we headed up the M1 on Friday night.

Saturday was my dad's birthday treat. We occasionally go and see Derby if they're at home when I'm up there, but this time, I thought we'd go up-market and get a hospitality package for the Cardiff game. So rather than a gristly pie and a pint in the SW Corner, we had a very pleasant three course meal with wine in the Assa Suite, with nice comfortable padded seats on the balcony and the bar open through the game. Excellent.

We won the game 3-1, keeping us top of the league (for a while) and father got told off by one of the stewards for getting over-excited when the third goal went in.

Here's a not-very-helpful picture of him watching the second half, standing under a heating vent (smart move) just before getting told off :-)

Saturday evening was a very pleasant dinner at the Plough. Because Sunday was mothers' day, we'd decided to stay over until Monday morning rather than having to leave early Sunday evening.

This gave us the opportunity to actually have a few pints in the Plough rather than the usual quick one before we have to head home. An unexpected bonus was that it gave my dad chance to give Missy some elocution lessons shortly before she passed out.

1 comment:

FairSailor said...

Ahhrse-holes. You're all Ahhrse-holes. Mikey Rules.