Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fronts, Fronts and more fronts.

The weather chart has looked like this all summer. Front after front after front has been heading across the Atlantic. Each weekend has been cold, damp and windy. We've been out in the boat three times and only gone anywhere twice, the last time in June!

The alleged cause is the la nina event in the Pacific for the last two years which has pulled the jetstream further south over the Atlantic. Normally in the summer, there'd be a high pressure area coming up from the Azores and the jetstream would be guiding those depressions to the North of Scotland. This year, like last, has seen the jetstream just to the South of the UK and the associated depressions have come and dumped over us once every two or three days.

Last year the weather finally cleared in early September. Well, we've got a week of sailing booked from September 8th, so it had better do the same this time!

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