Monday, June 12, 2006


Second time on the boat. Second wedding anniversary. Just the two of us this time. Second post on here.

It was a jaded pair this time, too. Friends round for cocktails and Missy's determination to perfect the mambo #5 margerita (tequila, lime, sangria, midori, cointreau and heavens knows what else) didn't make for an early Saturday morning start.

We eventually arrived at the boat at around 3:30pm, with the temperature around 30deg C, and England making hard work of beating Paraguay 1-0 in Frankfurt. With the tide at rock bottom and just the two of us we didn't feel brave enough to take an afternoon jaunt around Chichester Harbour, so we did what most of the marina-dwellers there seem to do - we went to the bar for a couple of beers. Well we needed to book a taxi for later and where else is guaranteed to have taxi firm numbers?

Our celebratory anniversary dinner was booked at Purchases in Chichester for 8:45. Very nice it was too. A warm summer evening, dinner in the walled garden with a fountain burbling in the centre, G&T's, good food, a pleasant bottle of Pouilly Fusee (and of course excellent company) , then back to the boat for a nightcap in the cockpit watching the stars and satellites overhead as the sky gradually faded to black. Life can get pretty good sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary !!